As part of this month’s RecipeRedux, we’re posting healthier drinks…lots of great ones were posted yesterday, and today’s batch is on its way up!2014-02-22 09.55.44

2014-02-21 15.06.23

I wanted to do something different, and I recently came into the possession of some rose hips (thanks Meghaen & Wafa!) so this was the perfect time to use them.  Rose hips are the fruit part of a wild rose blossom, and have been used for thousands of years medicinally – they actually have a pretty good body of evidence for their use as an antioxidant (they’re really high in Vitamin C!), to treat osteoarthritis, and to ease menstrual symptoms (can’t hate that!), according to the Natural Standard Database.

The ones I have are dried, so I brewed a tea, added some other flavors and chia, and apparently can now use the rehydrated petals in salads or to make jelly or a syrup.  All of these ingredients can be used topically, too, so set a side a small amount to use as a toner – just swipe on clean skin with a cotton ball overnight.  An ingredient I’ve never tried before, with this many applications?  Amazing!  Pick some up the next time you have the chance.2014-02-21 15.08.04

Rose hip & ginger chia tea (can be served hot or cold!)


  • 2 L water
  • 1 c dried rose hips
  • 2 inches of fresh ginger, peeled and sliced
  • Zest (or peels) of half a lemon
  • 1/4 c honey
  • 1/4 chia seeds

Heat the water until it reaches a simmer.  Add to a pitcher with the rose hips, ginger, and lemon peel.  Steep for 5 minutes, then drain or sift out petals.  Add honey and chia seeds, stir to mix.  Drink warm or chill and serve with lemon garnish over ice. (Taste a petal!)

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