Start by cooking the sweet potato (I like to cube, then cook in the microwave for 5-6 minutes, in a covered bowl), defrosting the spinach, and draining the can of salmon*. Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl, and use your hands to mix. The blend should be sticky enough to shape into patties - oil your hands before forming them to prevent sticking to your hands! You can make 4 large patties, or 8 small ones. Heat a non-stick pan on the stove (you can use a bit of canola or olive oil), and cook on medium high until browned on both sides, flipping once or twice. Or, take them to the grill! Enjoy over polenta, salad, or on a roll. *Canned salmon doesn't look appetizing - it usually has both skin and bones inside, but those add great nutrient value and will completely break down as you mix this recipe. The bones are softened by the canning process, and add a good bit of calcium!