What’s your favorite commercial?

Let’s be real – I actively try not to watch commercials.  They’re a waste of my time squeezed into something I want to watch, and most of them are pretty dry at best – and misleading at worst.  But there are some that get my attention, for good or bad reasons, and I want to call out a few in the food industry.  Surprisingly – trust me, I can’t believe I’m going to say this – some companies selling healthier foods are doing a worse job!

Two examples: the one below from Progresso and this one from Bush’s.  Vegetable soup and beans – both companies sell products I don’t buy often, but on the spectrum of prepared foods, aren’t too bad.  But the message they’re sending in these commericals: veggies need to be “snuck” in for kids to eat them.  Take a look and see what I’m saying (if you haven’t already been bombarded by these!).

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cetCKcU_2VM]

Then we have this: it’s a McDonald’s commercial.  I’m going to be honest, I can’t remember the last time I had their food (my fast-food splurge of choice is a twice-annual Arby’s trip with the works), and of course this is a blatant attempt to position themselves as a healthy option…but the fruit and veggies are prominent, and being cheerfully enjoyed by kids.  That’s a message that should be reinforced!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VuFCh-uUOY]

What are the best commercials you’ve seen?  The ones that irk you most?