Feb 24, 2013 | WFW Skin Edition
If you have: Dry, cracked cuticles Ashy elbows and knees Skin that feels rough, lacks luster, softness, and touchability Then this one’s for you 🙂 You CAN have soft, silky skin in the middle of winter – if you have 2 hours and a few inexpensive tools, and...Sep 20, 2012 | WFW Skin Edition
This one is amazing. Seriously. Short story: a few days ago I used some oven cleaner I found under the sink to clean the stove pans that go under the burners…scrubbed away with bare hands and a sponge, and didn’t notice the toxicity of it until I washed...Sep 6, 2012 | WFW Skin Edition
For your face: Purpose: Remove dead skin without drying Ingredients: 1 ripe banana 1/2 lime 1 tsp baking soda 1 Tbsp raw sugar Directions: In a bowl, mash the banana with a fork, mixing in the juice from the lime half. When it’s smooth, blend in the baking...