Every weekend I work at the market, I love it more.

That’s partly due to these beautiful smiling people, who run registers with me:
marketpeepsphotos courtesy of Andrew Krieger

And partly due to having a fantastic boss, who I refer to as my “farmer friend” Matt.  Here he is (is this what you picture when you think of a farmer?): mattmarketAnd here are some of Chesley Vegetable Farm’s spring onions, right where they belong, in my kitchen.
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So what’s the difference between a spring onion and a regular onion?  Matt says: “Spring onions typically grow from sets.  Once they’ve been in the ground awhile in the spring and start to bulb up, they often flower which gives them a stronger flavor and also forms a seed stalk inside the bulb that’s hard and useless.  ‘Regular’ onions are grown from seed.  They would flower and have the seed stalk issue, but because suppliers vernalize* them and we plant them as baby onions, they don’t.”

*vernalization: the subjection of seeds or seedlings to low temperature in order to hasten plant development.

These little guys have a sweet flavor and satisfying crunch: try them three different ways! Grilled, roasted, or caramelized, they’re an easy way to dress up a dish or add a veggie to a meal.

To grill: cut off most of the stem and the roots, slice in half, spray with oil, add salt and pepper. Grill on medium heat for 5-10 minutes.  Add a friend.  Enjoy as a side:
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To roast: Chop off most of the stem and roots, drizzle with oil, salt and pepper and roast at 375F for 30 minutes.  Great as a side for lamb or steak, or dice and add to corn and tomatoes for a salsa side!

To caramelize: Dice finely and heat over medium in a pan with oil, stirring occasionally until golden and soft.  Great for addition to a quiche or omelet, as a burger topping, or with cheese in a crepe!

And don’t throw away the greens!  Chop and freeze to add a flavor to a veggie sautee, as a garnish, or for color in soups.
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