Host Kit

Host Kit

Thanks for your interest in hosting a WhyFoodWorks Dinner Party – you’re just a few steps away from pulling off an event that your friends will be talking about for weeks, and one that they’ll leave feeling healthy, happy, and inspired!  All you have to do is invite the guests, and we’ll take care of everything else! You won’t have to do much work at the event itself, but your friends will be giving you credit for an awesome time.  Below is some information about how to organize a party, your responsibilities as a host, and WFW guidelines and policies.

What do I do first?

  1. Generate a guest list! Parties are for 4-8 people, including the host, because this is the ideal number for conversation flow and ambiance.  You want to have a chance to actually talk to all of your guests!  Tip: consider the amount of seating and kitchen layout you have – guests will be watching the meal preparation and need somewhere to stand!
  2. Sarah will contact you to learn a little bit more about your vision for the party (is it in celebration of a birthday?  Girls night in?  Just because?), as well as your kitchen setup.  We’ll figure out a few dates that will work for your to offer your guests; down payment of the host fee ($30) will be made at this time to hold your reservation.  (Want to skip the first 2 steps?  Just call Sarah directly at 202.505.2396.)
  3. Email your guests to see if they are interested in joining you for a healthy, interactive dinner party.  The focus is always positive, the food is always delicious, and the conversation will be elevated to a level way beyond the weather and  Bob’s business trip to Tahoe (sorry, Bob).  A template email is included below to assist with invitations; change or add text as it suits your needs! Note that it references the menus at; be sure to check them out and include your preference!
  4. You’ll receive a call to confirm the final guest count 48 hours before the party; all food is purchased fresh and just for you!

What happens on the day of the party?

Sarah will arrive with all the supplies – cookware, plates, napkins, glasses, etc – about 45 minutes before the scheduled start of the party.  Just make sure your counters and table are clear and ready.  A table runner and placemats are also provided, but you can feel free to spice up your decor with candles, flowers, or art to impress the group!

The meal takes 3-3.5 hours from the start time, and everything will be prepared right in front of everyone so the group can ask questions and learn how to do it themselves.  At the end the whole mess is packed up and taken away for cleaning, so your house will be back in shape in no time!

What forms of payment are accepted, and what is the cancellation policy?

All major credit cards, checks and cash are accepted.  Guests can pay individually, or a host can choose to pay for the whole party.  Hosts are $30, and each guest is $60, and an additional $8/per person is added if a wine pairing is desired; this includes about 2 full servings per person (about 10oz total) of 3-4 wines.  Payments for all guests must be made via PayPal (send to email or by calling Sarah and should be processed at least 24 hours prior to the party.  An event can be postponed to a later date prior to 48 hours before the party at no cost; cancellation of a party altogether with more than 48 hours notice after the host’s down payment will result in a refund of $15 to the host.

Template Email to send to friends:

Hey friends!

You’re invited to my house for a unique dinner party – Sarah of WhyFoodWorks is a professional hostess, and she’ll be taking over the kitchen to make a healthy (and delicious) dinner for us.  It’s kind of like having a cooking show right in front of you!  She’s a dietitian who doesn’t believe in diet foods, and wants to share how and why to make an awesome meal that will also make you feel good. You can read more about her here.

If you are are interested in joining, please let me know which of the dates below you would be able to make:

  • Date 1

  • Date 2

  • Date 3

Also, check out the menu options at and let me know which one sounds best to you, and if you have any allergies or food intolerances.  I’m leaning toward [insert your preference here]!

The cost per person is $60, or $68 if we want to do a wine pairing!  [Remove prior sentence if you plan to pay for your guests].  It’s a great opportunity to have a dietitian to bounce questions and ideas off of, and we’ll get a lot new ideas for recipes and snacks.  And of course, it will be great to catch up with my friends!

Best regards,

[your signature here]