Gluten-free chickpea crackers

I just can’t get over these 2ArmadillosCo chickpeas…they keep making new flavors and have the most satisfying crunch!  If you can’t find some in one of your local DC area grocery stores, they do sell online too. In addition to being a great snack,...

The antibacterial cranberry (+cranberry apple crisp bars)

About this time of year, I can’t go through the produce section at the grocery store without picking up a package of fresh cranberries.  They’re in season, they’re native to North America, and on top of being loaded with fiber and vitamin C, they...

Farmstand Saturday: peach salsa!

This one will blow your mind, and your tastebuds! I can’t take credit for it – I’m blessed with many multi-talented friends, and Alli is one with more gifts than most!  She’s a Spanish teacher at Ballou High School in southeast DC, and...